Orders for insertion of advertisements in newspapers and magazines published by Morton’s Media Group Ltd (The Publisher) are accepted subject to the following conditions.
- Advertisement copy shall be legal, decent, honest and truthful; shall comply with the British Code of Advertising Practice and all other codes under the general supervision of the Advertising Standards Authority, and shall comply with the requirements of current legislation.
- Whilst every endeavor will be made to meet the wishes of advertisers, the publisher does not guarantee the insertion of any particular advertisement. The publisher also reserves the right to decline advertisements even though they may have previously agreed to publish the same.
- It is the advertisers’ responsibility to notify the publisher of any mistakes or inaccuracy in the advertisement immediately it appears. No responsibility will be accepted by the publisher for errors appearing in a series of advertisements, if notifications of such errors are not made after the first insertion.
- In the event of any error, misprint or omission in the printing of the advertisement or part of an advertisement, the publisher will either reinsert the advertisement or relevant part of the advertisement as the case may be or make a reasonable refund of or adjustment of the cost. No reinsertion, refund, or adjustment will be made where the error, misprint or omission does not materially detract from the advertisement. In no circumstances shall the total liability of the publisher for any error, misprint or omission exceed (a) the amount of a full refund of any price paid to the publisher for the advertisement in connection with which liability arose or (b) the cost of a further or corrective advertisement of a type or standard reasonably comparable to that in connection with which the liability arose.
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5a. Retention of title
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- Advertisements not prepaid are due for payment no later than 30 days from the date of invoice. Failure to pay accounts within this specified period will make advertisers liable for interest and a late payment charge as defined in the Late Payment Of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998.
Interest will be levied at 8% above the Bank of England base rate. Collection charges will be based on the following fixed scale.
• Debts up to £999.99 – £40.00
• Debts £1000.00 to £9,999.99 – £70.00
• Debts £10,000 and above – £100.00
- The publisher shall not be liable for any loss or damaged occasioned by any total or partial failure (however caused) of publication or distribution of any newspaper or magazine in which any advertisement is scheduled to appear.
- The placing of an order for the insertion of an advertisement shall amount to an acceptance of the above conditions and any conditions stipulated on an advertisers order form or elsewhere shall be void insofar as they are in conflict with them.
- Cancellation or amendment of the size of your advertisement(s) must be made in writing 4 weeks prior to the relevant booking/copy deadline.
- Please be advised telephone calls may be recorded for training or monitoring purposes.